Category: News

How Data Analytics Can Improve Public Sector Customer Service

Data analytics can help the public sector improve customer service through the analysis of data from a variety of business sources. Information gleaned from such data enables government agencies to not only gain valuable insights, but also to inform the development of new processes and approaches to better meet the needs of citizens and other

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Organizational Change Management – What is a Stakeholder?

One of the key elements of a thorough approach to organizational change management (OCM) is assessing how the change impacts an organization’s “stakeholders”. Those anticipated to be affected and the relevant impacts are captured in the aptly named stakeholder assessment.

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How Data Analytics Solutions are Transforming Higher Education

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Higher education institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of data analytics, recognizing it as a driver of organizational success. The role of data analytics in higher education institutions is to provide insight into operations and provide predictive analytics on key operational processes. It’s been found that 80% of institutions agree that they must

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Concluding the Organizational Change Management Journey – Reinforcement


The change management journey isn’t complete until we’ve reached the ‘R’ in ADKAR – Reinforcement. This is the second stage in our change journey where another ‘R’ – Resistance – typically manifests itself. We initially plan to address resistance at the Desire stage of ADKAR, when employees and other stakeholders faced with significant change first

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Adding business value through value-added resourcing

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With variable demand for skills and the cyclical nature of business activity, utilities and government entities often take advantage of value-added resourcing to enable new capabilities, optimize resources, and even improve the customer experience. Offering a full spectrum of benefits, value-added resourcing resonates with diverse groups and provides in-depth knowledge and skills required for organization-wide

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Data analytics trends that are set to skyrocket in the public sector in 2023

The public sector is increasingly employing data analytics solutions to serve its citizens better, decrease costs, and enhance business processes. As the digital experience is frequently changing, and new technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are emerging, government entities must become aware of, and prepared to adapt to, upcoming data analytics trends. Gartner predicts that by 2026, government

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Willing Isn’t Enough; Able Drives Adoption


We’ve progressed through the first three stages of the ADKAR journey – Awareness, Desire, and Knowledge – and your employees and other stakeholders are committed to the change. They’re enthusiastic about moving forward. Congratulations. Now what? We’ve reached the next stage in the journey: Ability. Your workforce may be fully informed about and committed to

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Robotic Process Automation: Applications for Higher Education


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is being leveraged more and more in higher education to enhance and streamline sophisticated administrative operations in times when costs are growing and revenue is decreasing. RPA is designed to execute rules-based tasks that have historically been performed by employees. The ability of RPA to reliably perform high-volume tasks without requiring

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What is Data Analytics and why does it matter?

Data Analytics helps individuals and organizations make sense of data and analyze raw data for insights and trends. It is the key to extracting information and making informed business decisions. Changes in the business landscape are providing organizations with opportunities to develop new capabilities in leveraging data to help achieve business goals. Data Analytics provide data-driven

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